Sundarban Natural Honey is completely natural honey. Natural and Pure Sundarban Honey is very rare and valuable. It is not available throughout the year. Summer and rainy season are the best time to get honey in Sundarbans. Khalisha, Garan, Bain-Garan mix, Geua, Keora, Ora and Mixed flower honeys are available in Sundarbans. We collect Sundarban Pure Honey from the Mauals of Sutarkhali Union of Dakop Upazila of Khulna District. Bringing Sundarban Pure Honey directly from the Mouals to everyone is Our main goal. We guarantee organic Sundarbans honey.
How to recognize Sundarban Natural Honey :
- If the Sundarban Pure Honey is stirred a little, the foam accumulates on top of the honey.
- Sundarban honey is relatively diluted.
- Sundarban honey never freezes.
Do you know that honey is currently the most adulterated product in the first row? This survey was conducted on all honeys around the world. The most expensive honey in the world which is Manuka Honey available in Australia & New Zeeland is almost sky high price. But our country has also natural honey which is not available anywhere else in the world. That is Sundarban Natural honey.
A few words about Sundarban Natural Honey collection :
Collecting Sundarban Natural Honey not at easy. With proper permission and training from the forest department, a team of mauals go to the Sundarbans to collect honey every year in the middle of April. Their lives are constantly at risk. Because to collect honey one has to go to deep forest where tigers are likely to be present. Besides, incense is burnt to drive away the bees, the smell of that incense often brings tigers. This year too, a maual lost his life in a tiger attack while collecting honey. Sundarban mangrove forest makes it difficult for walkers and walkers to walk inside the forest because the roots of the trees are high. Collecting honey from the Sundarbans is a very difficult task. Walking in the forest, fetching chalk from tall trees in a proper manner are really difficult tasks. Training and permission from the forest department is mandatory before going into the forest for honey collection. Even if a bee is killed while collecting honey, the hive has to be counted.
Let’s know the types of Sundarban Natural Honey :
There are only a handful of types of Honey available in the Sundarbans. Among which Khalisha flower honey is one. There are also :
- Bainagaran Mixed
- Garan
- Geua
- Keora
- Ora and
- Mixed flower honey
Features of Sundarbans Honey :
Although Khalishaful honey has established its own brand on its own merits, all types of Sundarbans honey are extremely delicious and have medicinal properties.Khalisha flower honey is known as the most delicious honey of Sundarbans. It is said that one who has eaten this honey does not taste like any other honey. So delicious Khalisha honey. While Sundarbans honey is relatively thin, Khalisha honey is slightly thicker. There is no rust at all. As soon as you open the lid of the honey jar, its sweet smell wafts around.
The most popular and tastiest of the Sundarbans honeys is Khalisha, but the Bine-Garan mixed honey is superior in terms of quality. If you consider the benefits of honey, the benefits of Bine-Gran mixed honey are more. This honey is not white like khalisa honey but has a reddish color. Bine-garan mixed honey is comparatively a little thinner than Khalisha honey. But the taste is almost close to Khalisha honey. Garan honey is also very white. But it is a little thinner than Khalishaful honey.Gewar honey is very reddish in smell and taste a little bitter and thin. The honey color of Keora and Ora is also white. They are also thinner but Ora honey is slightly whiter than Keora honey. Mixed flower honey is also very red. But its sweet smell instantly cheers you up. This honey is very thin. The sweet sweetness of mixed flowers is such that it seems that I wanted just that much sweetness.
Know the Season of Sundarbans Honey :
Sundarbans honey is no longer cultivated, so how can we say for certain that it is flower honey? Actually it depends on the season.When the flowers are in season, At that time, the honey of that flower is available to the Mauals. In addition, with long experience, they can tell the color, smell and taste of the honey. For example – Chaitra to Jaishtya during these three months Khalisha flower honey is available in the forest.
Because these three months are the season of this flower. After that, this flower is hardly available anymore. Sundarbans honey is seasonal. The same honey is not available throughout the year. Much like date juice. Just as date juice is not available except in winter, the honey of the Sundarbans cannot be extracted throughout the year. Honey is hardly available in the forest during winter. But the advantage is that honey can be stored. This preserved honey is traded throughout the year.
The easiest way to recognize genuine Sundarbans honey is to check whether the honey foams or not. Because if you stir the Sundarbans honey a little, the foam will overflow. In addition, Sundarbans honey never accumulates grain or honey.
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